Employees are Autoneum’s most important asset. Our business success relies on their productivity, innovative power and passion. Therefore, we want to create a working environment that enables employees to thrive and give their best. We believe that a fair, attractive and inclusive workplace forms a solid basis on which our High Performance Culture can grow.
Vision 2025
Fair & Attractive Workplace
Continuously improve working conditions and the employee value proposition of Autoneum
Strategic TargetOperational Targets
- Define and implement employee value proposition in all Autoneum locations
- Improve employee engagement with an effective follow-up action plan
- Reduce Autoneum Group employee turnover rate to 10%
Implement benchmark employee education framework for all Autoneum employees
Strategic TargetOperational Target
- Set and maintain benchmark position in industry peer group for “average days of training per employee” indicator
Implement comprehensive people development framework for all Autoneum employees
Strategic TargetOperational Targets
- Achieve employee appraisal coverage for 95% of Autoneum staff
- Implement development framework for operators
Build and foster a culture of Diversity & Inclusion
Strategic TargetOperational Targets
- Establish and maintain Diversity & Inclusion governance framework and implement targeted measures in all Autoneum Business Groups
- Increase share of women in management positions to 30% and continuously improve Autoneum Diversity & Inclusion metrics
Continuously reduce the number of workplace accidents
Strategic TargetOperational Targets
- Reduce Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) by 20% each year
- Develop, implement and continuously improve EHS training in all plants and maintain completion rate at 95%
Improve working conditions by reducing ergonomic exposure
Strategic TargetOperational Target
- Develop and implement ergonomic assessments in all plants
Implement a comprehensive Occupational Health & Safety Management System
Strategic TargetOperational Target
- All Autoneum plants achieve ISO 45 001 certification
Health and Safety
As a manufacturing company, employee health and safety is of critical importance for Autoneum. We are committed to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment for employees as well as customers, suppliers and visitors to Company sites. Our approach in this area is defined by the Management Policy on Quality, Environment, Energy, Health & Safety and the 20 Principles for Good Environment, Health and Safety Behavior.
Furthermore, Autoneum’s Environment, Health & Safety Management System (MEHS) guarantees that the same health and safety standards are implemented consistently at all locations. This framework integrates international and national laws and regulations and the requirements of the occupational health and safety management system ISO 45 001.
Training and Education
We are committed to a High Performance Culture underpinned by our corporate Values and Principles. Our employees are required to contribute to this culture in all their decisions and actions. At the same time, we continuously invest in their professional qualifications, know-how, capacities and soft skills, which are essential for our business success. Autoneum’s training and education policies and processes are governed by the Human Resources department.
We address the training needs of each employee on an individual basis and formulate tailored development plans. Besides on-the-job training and locally organized courses, we have set up a People Development curriculum defining courses for Autoneum’s five employee bands, ranging from operators and technicians to management.
Diversity and Inclusion
As a company with operations spanning four continents, Autoneum employs people from a large variety of national, ethnic, cultural and personal backgrounds. Diversity goes hand in hand with our corporate Value of “living a global spirit” and is key for us as a technology leader: Teams with an open-minded culture tend to be more agile, creative and successful in developing new, disruptive ideas.
We follow a zero-tolerance approach against any type of harassment or discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion, political or sexual orientation. The key principles of anti-discrimination are described in our Code of Conduct, which is signed by every new employee upon his/her entry at Autoneum. Furthermore, our global Speak Up Line enables employees of Autoneum as well as external parties to anonymously report violations of the Code of Conduct, including cases of discrimination or harassment.
Employee Participation
Autoneum recognizes freedom of association and collective bargaining as a fundamental human right. Employees are allowed to form employee organizations, to join labor unions or to collectively bargain in accordance with local laws. In some locations where Autoneum operates – such as Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Poland, Russia and some US-American states – collective bargaining agreements are not part of the legal framework.
In the European Union, Autoneum’s employee participation is delegated to European Works Councils (EWCs). EWCs are bodies representing the European employees of a company. Besides internal communication channels, EWCs are platforms through which employees are informed about business developments and significant decisions that could affect employment or working conditions.