Innovation and Sustainability
With its unwavering focus on innovation, Autoneum has become the market and technology leader in acoustic and thermal management for vehicles. We strive to continuously improve the environmental and social performance of our products. This is in line with Autoneum’s Advance Sustainability Strategy 2025 as well as growing customer demand for sustainable technologies.
Vision 2025
Sustainable Products & Production Processes
100% of Autoneum innovation portfolio delivers improvements in sustainability
Strategic TargetOperational Target
- All Autoneum innovations will achieve a Sustainability Index of 60% and the innovation portfolio will reach a total average of 65%
Replace the least sustainable technologies of Autoneum with sustainable innovations
Strategic TargetOperational Target
- Identify the three least sustainable technologies of Autoneum, develop sustainable alternatives and actively promote them to customers
Outperform international, national and OEM material compliance requirements
Strategic TargetOperational Target
- Strengthen and expand company-wide Material Compliance Framework
Innovation Leadership
In order to maintain its market and technology leadership in the highly competitive automobile supplier industry, innovation is of strategic importance for Autoneum. Our Research & Technology (R&T) experts are the primary drivers of our innovation success.
Approximately 70 R&T employees at our Group’s headquarters in Winterthur – engineers, chemists, physicists, product designers and others – continuously work on new ideas aiming at the next technical breakthrough in acoustic and thermal management. More than 220 employees work at eight state-of-the-art Acoustics and Development Centers worldwide.
Product Sustainability
We integrate sustainability criteria in all stages of the innovation process. In the Autoneum technology road-mapping program, we screen emerging technologies based on a Balanced Scorecard with four evaluation dimensions, one of which is sustainability. As the innovation process unfolds, a second, more detailed evaluation is conducted, assessing all four phases of the product life cycle: raw material composition, production, service life and the method of disposal at the end of product life. Autoneum’s target is to pursue only future innovations with a low environmental impact.
On one hand, this enables us to support our customers both in fulfilling tightening environmental regulations and responding to a growing consumer demand for environmentally friendly cars. On the other hand, this target is also in line with our Corporate Responsibility commitment to protect the natural environment and reduce our environmental footprint.
In the Spotlight: Ultra-Silent
Ultra-Silent is an exemplary Autoneum technology combining cutting-edge innovation and sustainability aspects. Underbody systems made of this lightweight textile material are up to 50% lighter compared to equivalent products made of plastic; moreover, they enhance the aerodynamics of vehicles by significantly reducing their drag. Both of these qualities contribute to reduced fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions.
Autoneum has been producing textile underbody components made of Ultra-Silent for the European market since 2009; so far over six million vehicles of German, British, French and Japanese customers have been equipped with these products. The global market launch of Ultra-Silent outside Europe took place in 2015 in North America. In addition, Autoneum has developed a special version of this product for SUVs, thus making a decisive contribution to reducing fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions of these globally highly sought-after vehicle models.
New Trends in Mobility
In light of new developments in the automotive industry, Autoneum’s R&T department pays particular attention to areas with disruptive innovation potential. Among a variety of different trends, we have defined electric mobility and autonomous driving as most relevant to our business.