Answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Please contact your custodian bank. Autoneum shares are traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange under valor symbol AUTN, valor number 12‘748‘036, or ISIN CH0127480363.
The Autoneum security number is 12’748’036; the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is CH0127480363, and the Security or Ticker Symbol is AUTN.
The current share price is published on the following websites:
In total 4 672 363 Autoneum shares are issued.
The largest shareholders are published on the following websites:
Autoneum is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange since May 13, 2011 (first day of trading).
The nominal value is 0.05 CHF per registered share.
You can find the annual taxable value as of December 31 at www.autoneum.com/en/investor-relations/share
Please contact our share register:
Julia Kulczycki
Legal Assistant
Autoneum Management Ltd
Schlosstalstrasse 43 / P.O. Box
8406 Winterthur
T +41 52 244 82 06
F +41 52 244 83 35
Autoneum strives to pay its shareholders a dividend in the amount of at least 30% of the net profit attributable to the Autoneum shareholders, depending on business development, corporate financing needs, general economic conditions as well as legal and any contractual constraints.
This date is published together with the invitation and the agenda of the Annual General Meeting where the dividend payment will be proposed to the shareholders for approval.
(->”Company details” ->”Corporate calendar”)
You can change your address either by applying to your custodian bank or by e-mail to aktienregister@autoneum.com.
Annual General Meeting
Date and venue of the next General Meeting are published at
No, only shareholders who are registered with voting right in the Autoneum Holding Ltd share register are admitted to the General Meeting.
The deadline date for purchasing shares is stated in the invitation to the Annual General Meeting and published on the following website: www.six-swiss-exchange.com/shares/security_info_en.html?id=CH0127480363CHF4
(->”Company details” ->”Corporate calendar”)
Only if the person concerned likewise holds at least one Autoneum registered share on the reporting date and is entered in the share register with voting right and has not sold the share(s) between the reporting date and the General Meeting.
With the registration form sent by Autoneum to all shareholders or via the electronic platform at https://autoneum.shapp.ch.
Please call the Autoneum share register on +41 52 244 82 06.
That depends on the date of purchase/sale (see ”General Information” in the invitation to General Meeting). Decisive is that your shares are registered in the share register with voting right at the relevant date. You can check this at any time by calling the Autoneum share register on +41 52 244 82 06. If you have sold shares prior to the General Meeting, you are no longer eligible to vote.
Corporate Governance
The latest report is published at
This information is published at
This information is published at
Autoneum employs around 16 500 people worldwide (as of March 12, 2025).
Autoneum is the global market and technology leader in acoustic and thermal management for vehicles.
Autoneum develops and produces multifunctional, lightweight components for optimum noise and heat protection. The innovative products and technologies make vehicles quieter, safer and lighter and therefore help to reduce fuel consumption and emissions.
Autoneum develops components and systems for the leading vehicle manufacturers worldwide. The Company is represented in 25 countries and operates 77 production plants worldwide. Our locations are listed here: www.autoneum.com/en/company/worldwide-locations/
Twice annually (Annual Report; Semi-Annual Report). Full-year revenue figures are additionally published in January.
See also www.autoneum.com/en/investor-relations/
For the printed version, please apply by filling out this form: www.autoneum.com/en/order-publication-2/
The exact dates are published at: www.autoneum.com/en/investor-relations/
The consolidated financial statements of Autoneum Holding Ltd are published in accordance with IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) and with Swiss law.