Exterior components for commercial vehicles

Engine bay

The engine bay is the vehicle area where most of the noise and heat sources are concentrated. With innovative lightweight and multifunctional components, Autoneum helps automobile manufacturers to address new regulations for pass-by noise and CO2 emissions.

Autoneum offers the following products among others for application in the engine bay:

  • E-motor and accessory encapsulations

  • Engine and gearbox encapsulations*

  • Noise shields

Components specifically for vehicles with combustion drive


Textile-based and correspondingly lightweight underbody systems of Autoneum absorb noise and therefore simultaneously reduce the interior and exterior noise of cars. They also enhance the aerodynamics of a vehicle. This leads to lower fuel consumption and reduced vehicle emissions.

Autoneum offers the following products among others for underbody application:

  • Under engine shields*

  • Heatshields*

*Components specifically for vehicles with combustion drive