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Autoneum Annual Report 2015

Corporate Governance

The agendas for the Board meetings are drawn up

by the Chairman. Any member of the Board can

also propose items for inclusion on the agenda.

Board meetings are generally also attended by

the CEO and the CFO while the other members of

the Group Executive Board attend as necessary

regarding business matters concerning them. They

give an overview of the results, outlook and

budget of their operating units, and present those

projects requiring the approval of the Board

of Directors.

Once a year the Board of Directors reviews

its performance, internal working methods and

cooperation with the Group Executive Board. This

takes the form of a self-assessment and includes

an assessment of the state of information of

Board members with regard to the Group and its

business development.

Should there be a conflict of interest in the

course of making decisions on business matters

and items on the agenda, the respective Board

member must stand aside prior to discussion of

the matter in question and abstain from voting

when passing a resolution.


Besides the Compensation Committee the Board

of Directors has appointed an Audit, a Nomina-

tion and a Strategy Committee from among its

members in order to assist it in its duties.

The committees are fundamentally advisory and

preparatory bodies and have no decision-making powers; resolutions are passed by the

Board as a whole. Each committee has written

terms of reference specifying its tasks and

responsibilities. The members of the Compensa-

tion Committee have been elected by the Annual

General Meeting. The Chairman and further

members of the other committees are elected by

the Board of Directors. The committees meet

regularly and are required to prepare minutes

of their meetings and recommendations for

perusal at the regular meetings of the Board of




signature regulations and allocation

of authority of Autoneum Holding Ltd;



principles of internal auditing;



decisions on investment projects involving

expenditure in excess of CHF 10 million;



issuance of bonds and other significant

financial market transactions;



incorporation, purchase, sale and liquidation

of subsidiaries.

The Board of Directors comprises the Chairman,

the Vice Chairman and the other members.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the

members of the Compensation Committee are

elected for a one-year term of office by the

General Meeting. Apart from this, the Board of

Directors is self-constituting. The Board of

Directors appoints a secretary who need not be

a member of the Board of Directors. The Vice

Chairman deputizes for the Chairman in his

absence. The Board of Directors has a quorum

if the majority of members are present or if

the Board members are able to communicate

with each other by telephone, video conference,

Internet or other electronic means. Motions of

the Board of Directors are approved by a simple

majority of the votes of the members present.

In the case of a tie, the Chairman has the casting


In 2015, the members of the Board of Directors

met for five regular meetings. They all lasted

around half a day, one of which was held abroad

followed by a visit of a production plant.

The attendance rate was 93%. In addition, four

telephone conferences were held.

Once a year the Board

of Directors carries

out a self-assessment.