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Page Background

ment with the entity and has the ability to affect

those returns through its power over the entity.

The financial statements of subsidiaries are in-

cluded in the consolidated financial statements

from the date on which control commences until

the date on which control is lost. Acquisitions

are accounted for using the acquisition method.

Intercompany transactions are eliminated.

If Autoneum does not have control over

entities but significant influence, which is

usually the case if Autoneum holds interests

of between 20% and 50%, these invest-

ments are classified as associated companies

and accounted for using the equity method.

Interests of less than 20% where Autoneum

does not have significant influence are

classified as non-consolidated investments

and are accounted for at fair value. The

subsidiaries, associated companies and non-

consolidated investments are listed in

note 36 on page 111.

1.4 Foreign currency translation

Items included in the financial statements of

each Group company are measured using the

currency of the primary economic environment

in which the company operates (“functional

currency”). The consolidated financial statements

are prepared in Swiss francs, which is the

functional currency and the reporting currency

of Autoneum Holding Ltd.

Transactions in foreign currencies are trans-

lated into the functional currency by applying

the exchange rates prevailing on the date of the

transaction. Foreign exchange gains and losses

resulting from the settlement of such transactions

and from the translation at year-end exchange

rates of monetary assets and liabilities denomi­

nated in foreign currencies are recognized in

the income statement.

For consolidation purposes, items in the

balance sheet of foreign subsidiaries are trans-

lated at year-end exchange rates, while income

statement items are translated at average rates

for the period. The resulting currency translation

differences are recognized in other compre­

hensive income and, in the event of a disposal of

a foreign operation, transferred to the income

statement as part of the gain or loss from disposal.

1.5 Tangible assets

Tangible assets are stated at historical cost less

accumulated depreciation, which is recognized

on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful

life of the asset. Historical cost includes ex-

penditures that are directly attributable to the

acquisition of the assets. Useful life is deter-

mined according to the expected utilization of

each asset. The relevant ranges are as follows:


20–50 years

Machinery and plant equipment

5–15 years

Data processing equipment

4–8 years

Vehicles and furniture

3–10 years

Components of certain assets with different

useful lives are depreciated separately. Gains or

losses arising from the disposal of tangible

assets are recognized in the income statement.

Costs of maintenance and repair are charged

to the income statement as incurred. The residual

values and useful lives of tangible assets are

reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each

balance sheet date.

1.6 Leases

Leased assets where Autoneum substantially

bears all the risks and rewards of ownership

(finance leases) are capitalized. Assets held

under such finance leases are depreciated

over the shorter of their estimated useful life or

the lease term. The corresponding lease obli­

gations, excluding finance charges, are included

in borrowings. Lease installments are divided

into an interest and a principal component.



Financial Report 2016

Consolidated Financial Statements