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Page Background

asset, estimates of the expected future cash

flows from both usage and disposal are made.

Research and development

Research costs are recognized in the income

statement when incurred. Development costs for

major projects are capitalized as intangible

assets if the cost can be measured reliably, if it

can be demonstrated that the project is tech­

nically feasible and is expected to generate future

economic benefits and if Autoneum plans to

provide sufficient resources in order to complete

the development and to use or sell the intan­

gible asset.

Financial instruments

All financial assets not carried at fair value

through profit or loss are initially recognized at

fair value plus transaction costs. Financial assets

carried at fair value through profit or loss are

initially recognized at fair value, and transaction

costs are expensed in the income statement.

Subsequent valuation depends on the cate-

gory into which the financial assets are classified.

Autoneum distinguishes between the following


Financial assets at fair value through profit

or loss include financial assets held for trading

and those that are designated as such at incep-

tion. Assets in this category are presented as

current assets if they are either held for trading

or are expected to be realized within twelve

months after the balance sheet date. For sub­

sequent valuation, changes in fair value are

recognized in the income statement. Derivative

financial instruments with positive replacement

value and marketable securities are assigned to

this category.

Loans and receivables are non-derivative

financial assets with fixed or determinable

payments that are not quoted in an active market.

They are included in current assets, except for

maturities greater than twelve months after the

balance sheet date, in which case they are

presented as non-current assets. Subsequently,

they are valued at amortized cost less impair-

ment losses.

Available-for-sale financial assets are

non-derivative financial assets that are either

classified as such or not assigned to any of the

above categories. They are measured at market

value as of the balance sheet date. Changes

in the value are recorded in other comprehensive

income prior to sale, and reclassified to income

statement when they are sold. Any impairment

is charged to the income statement immedi-

ately. They are included in non-current assets

unless management intends the disposal

within twelve months after balance sheet date.

Autoneum has no financial instruments

that are classified as held-to-maturity.

Financial liabilities at fair value through

profit or loss are either held for trading purpos-

es or designated as such. At their initial recog­

nition and subsequently, financial liabilities at

fair value through profit or loss are measured

at fair value. Transaction costs directly identifiable

to the purchase of these liabilities are immedi-

ately expensed. Derivative financial instruments

with negative replacement values are assigned

to this category.

All other financial liabilities are measured

at amortized cost. Mainly trade payables, bor-

rowings and other liabilities are assigned to this

category. They are recognized initially at fair

value, net of transaction costs incurred. Subse-

quently, these financial liabilities are stated

at amortized cost. Any difference between the

proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the

redemption value is recognized in the income

statement over the period of the obligation

using the effective interest method.


Raw material, consumables and purchased parts

are valued at the lower of average cost or net

realizable value. Semi-finished goods and finished

goods are valued at the lower of manufacturing



Financial Report 2015

Consolidated financial statements