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Page Background

employee benefit assets or liabilities in future


In the course of the ordinary operating

activities of Autoneum Group, obligations from

guarantee and warranty, litigation and tax

risk, and environmental risk can arise. Provisions

for these obligations are measured on the basis

of estimated future cash outflow. The outcome of

these business transactions may result in claims

against Autoneum that may be below or above

the related provisions. Provisions for obligations

from guarantee and warranty are recognized

when damage has occurred and the related cash

outflow can be estimated reliably, but a material

uncertainty concerning the kind of damage

and the kind of compensation exists. Provisions

for litigation and tax risk comprise complex

cases that include material uncertainties. Environ-

mental provisions are recognized for the expec-

ted costs for the cleanup and reconstruction of

contaminated sites that are interdependent

of many uncertainties, such as Autoneum’s share

of the cost or the applicable approach for

determining these costs. The financial impact

of these cases for future periods can only

be estimated, because uncertainties relating to

amount and date of cash outflow exist.

Assumptions in relation to income taxes

include interpretations of the tax regulations

in place in the relevant countries. The adequacy

of these interpretations is assessed by the

tax authorities. This can result, at a later stage,

in changes in the income tax expenses. To

determine whether a deferred income tax asset

on tax loss carryforwards may be recognized

requires judgment in assessing whether there will

be future taxable profits against which these

tax loss carryforwards can be offset.

Assessing whether Autoneum has control

over an entity includes all facts and circum-

stances that may indicate that the Group is able

to direct the relevant activities and key deci-

sions. Autoneum concludes that it has control

over the entities in which it holds 50% or

more (refer to note 23, p. 91), based on specific

rights allocated. Facts and circumstances

indicating that Autoneum controls an entity may

change and lead to a reassessment of the man-

agement’s conclusion.

Scope and methods of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements of

Autoneum Holding Ltd include the Company

and its subsidiaries. Subsidiaries are entities

controlled by the Group. The Group controls

an entity when it is exposed to, or has rights to,

variable returns from its involvement with the

entity and has the ability to affect those returns

through its power over the entity. The financial

statements of subsidiaries are included in the

consolidated financial statements from the date

on which control commences until the date on

which control is lost. Acquisitions are accounted

for using the acquisition method. Intercompany

transactions are eliminated.

If Autoneum does not have control over

entities but significant influence, which is usually

the case if Autoneum holds interests of between

20% and 50%, these investments are classified

as associated companies and accounted for

using the equity method. Interests of less than

20% where Autoneum does not have significant

influence are accounted for at fair value. The

subsidiaries and associated companies are listed

in note 36 on page 102.

Foreign currency translation

Items included in the financial statements of

each Group company are measured using the

currency of the primary economic environment

in which the company operates (“functional

currency”). The consolidated financial statements

are prepared in Swiss francs, which is the

functional currency and the reporting currency

of Autoneum Holding Ltd.

Transactions in foreign currencies are trans-

lated into the functional currency by applying

the exchange rates prevailing on the date of the



Financial Report 2015

Consolidated financial statements