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on the basis of both defined contribution and

defined benefit.

Pension liabilities arising from defined

benefit plans are calculated annually by inde-

pendent actuaries using the projected unit

credit method. The discount rate used for the

calculation is based on interest rates of

high-quality corporate bonds that are denomi-

nated in the currency in which the benefits

will be paid, and that have terms to maturity

approximating to the terms of the related

pension obligation. Remeasurement gains or

losses are recognized in other comprehensive

income. Pension costs relating to services

rendered in the reporting period are recognized

in the income statement as current service

costs. Pension costs relating to services ren-

dered in previous periods as a result of new or

amended pension benefits are recognized in

the income statement as past service costs. The

net interest expenses or income on the net

defined benefit liability or asset for the period is

determined by applying the discount rate used

to measure the defined benefit obligation at the

beginning of the period to the then net defined

benefit liability or asset, taking into account any

changes in the net defined benefit liability

(asset) during the period as a result of contribu-

tions and benefit payments. The net interest

expenses or income is recognized in financial

expenses or income. The fair value of plan

assets is deducted from the defined benefit obli-

gations. Any asset resulting from this calcula-

tion is only capitalized up to an amount not

exceeding benefits from future contribution re-

ductions or refunds.

In the case of defined contribution plans,

the contributions are recognized as expense

in the period in which they incurred.

Share-based payments

Share-based payments to members of the Board

of Directors, the Executive Board and senior

management are measured at fair value at the

grant date, and recognized in the income

statement over the vesting period. For share-

based payments that are settled with equity

instruments a corresponding increase in equity

is recognized.

Revenue recognition

Sales resulting from business activities are

disclosed as revenue. Autoneum recognizes

revenue when the significant risks and rewards

of ownership of the goods were transferred

to the customer. Revenues arising from services

are recorded based on the stage of completion

of the services. Credits, discounts and rebates are

already deducted from net sales.

Financing costs

Borrowing costs that are directly attributable

to the acquisition, construction or production

of a qualified asset are capitalized as a part

of the acquisition costs of the qualified asset.

All other financing costs are recognized directly

in the income statement.



Financial Report 2015

Consolidated financial statements