Remuneration Report
Authority and definition process
The basic features of the remuneration policy are elaborated by the Compensation Committee (COC)
and approved by the Board of Directors, which also approves the executive bonus plan and the long-
term incentive plan (LTI). The Board of Directors fixes annually the remuneration of the Directors
and of the members of the Group Executive Board, based on suggestions of the COC and within the
limits approved by the shareholders. The Directors, whose remuneration is decided on, also partici-
pate in the meeting. The Board of Directors reviews annually the main features of the remuneration
policy, approves the fixed portion of the remuneration of the Group Executive Board members
and defines the targets for the executive bonus plan as well as the parameters for the LTI. The Board
of Directors has not engaged third-party consultants for the elaboration of the salary policy or of
compensation programs. The Board of Directors annually submits the proposal for the maximum
aggregate total compensation of the members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive
Board to the Annual General Meeting for prospective approval by the shareholders. For a detailed
description of the rules on the vote on pay at the Annual General Meeting, reference is made to §14
of the Articles of Association
For the rules in the Articles of Association on the principles applicable to performance-related
pay and to the allocation of equity securities as well as the additional amount for payments to new
members of the Group Executive Board appointed after the vote on pay at the Annual General Meeting
as well as on loans, credit facilities and post-employment benefits for members of the Board of
Directors and the Group Executive Board, reference is made to §24 of the Articles of Association.
Remuneration of the Board of Directors
The remuneration of the Board of Directors consists of the annual fee and compensation for rep-
resentation expenses. The remuneration is determined at the discretion of the Board of Directors,
taking into consideration the remuneration at companies with comparable size, industry and
The members of the Board of Directors may opt to obtain all or part of their remuneration in cash
or in Autoneum shares. The cash component is paid out in December of the related business
year. The shares are delivered in the respective year and blocked for three years. The share price appli-
cable for the conversion of the remuneration into shares is based on the average trading price of
the ten trading days following the dividend payment, discounted to reflect a three-year blocking period.
Remuneration of the Group Executive Board
Remuneration of the Group Executive Board consists of a fixed component, a performance-related
bonus and the participation in the long-term incentive plan (LTI). Remuneration is determined at the
discretion of the Board of Directors, taking into consideration function, responsibility and experience,
as well as remuneration at comparable industrial companies for which information is publicly
available or known to the Directors from their experience or office at similar companies. Industrial
Autoneum Financial Report 2016
Remuneration Report