Remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors and Group Executive Board in 2016
Fixed remuneration
in cash in shares
Board of Directors
Hans-Peter Schwald, Chairman
280 000
49 848
329 848
Rainer Schmückle, Vice Chairman 120 000
70 000
25 000
215 000
Michael W. Pieper
100 000
25 108
125 108
This E. Schneider
130 000
29 387
159 387
Peter Spuhler
100 000
27 371
127 371
Ferdinand Stutz
120 000
50 000
32 119
202 119
340 000 630 000
188 833 1 158 833
Fixed remuneration Variable remuneration
in cash in shares
in cash
in shares
Group Executive Board
All members
2 570 480
32 081
911 739 1 512 729 160 295 924 996 6 112 319
Thereof Martin Hirzel, CEO
668 000
32 081
163 800
535 121
70 079 150 551 1 619 630
The applicable share price (average trading price during the defined period, less 16% for the three-year blocking period) was CHF 198.04.
The transfer took place after deduction of applicable social security contributions and withholding taxes.
Other remuneration includes the employer’s portion of social insurance contributions as well as lump-sum remuneration for representation expenses.
The applicable share price during the defined period was CHF 192.10.
The part of the bonus opted to be paid out in shares (at least 40%) is multiplied by the factor 1.4 and then converted into shares using the
average trading price for the first ten days in January 2017 (CHF 268.50).
The rights allocated in April 2017 will vest end of February 2020.
Other remuneration includes the employer’s portion of social insurance contributions, the employer’s portion of contributions to pension funds and
other fringe benefits.
Total remuneration to the Group Executive Board contains remuneration to Dr Uwe Trautmann, who
resigned from the Group Executive Board in 2016 and had the bonus settled in cash.
At the Annual General Meeting 2015 a total remuneration to the Board of Directors of
CHF 1 450000 and a total remuneration to the Group Executive Board of CHF 6900000 was
approved for the financial year 2016. The total remuneration to the Board of Directors and to
the Group Executive Board for 2016 is within the approved limit.
Remuneration to former members of the Board of Directors and of the Group Executive Board
A total remuneration of CHF 90356 was paid to Richard Derr who resigned from the Group Executive
Board in 2015. There has been no remuneration to former members of the Board of Directors.
Directorships at other companies
The Board of Directors decides on directorships of members of the Group Executive Board or
senior management at other companies. When the directorship is exercised outside the contractual
working time, the director’s remuneration received must not be surrendered to Autoneum.
Autoneum Financial Report 2016
Remuneration Report