Notes to the financial statements of Autoneum Holding Ltd
1 Principles
Autoneum Holding Ltd was incorporated on December 2, 2010, as a Swiss corporation domiciled in
Winterthur. The Company does not have any employees.
The financial statements were prepared according to the provisions of the Swiss Law on
Accounting and Financial Reporting (32
title of the Swiss Code of Obligations). Where not prescribed
by law, the significant accounting and valuation principles applied are described below.
Loans granted in foreign currencies are translated at the rate at the balance sheet date, whereby
unrealized losses are recorded but unrealized profits are not recognized. In the case where the
currency effect of loans is hedged, both unrealized losses and profits are recognized.
Treasury shares
Treasury shares are recognized at acquisition cost and deducted from shareholders’ equity at
the time of acquisition. In case of a sale, the gain or loss is recognized in the income statement as
financial income or financial expenses.
Bonds and financial liabilities due to banks
Financial liabilities are recognized in the balance sheet at nominal value. The issue costs for the
bonds and for finance agreements are recognized as accruals due from third parties and amortized
on a straight-line basis over the maturity period.
Investments are valued using the single-item approach.
Financial Report 2016
Financial Statements of Autoneum Holding Ltd