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Page Background

obligations. Any asset resulting from this calcu-

lation is only capitalized up to an amount not

exceeding benefits from future contribution

reductions or refunds.

In the case of defined contribution plans,

the contributions are recognized as expense in

the period in which they incurred.

1.18 Share-based payments

Share-based payments to members of the Board

of Directors, the Executive Board and senior

management are measured at fair value at the

grant date, and recognized in the income

statement over the vesting period. The fair

value is assessed based on the current market

price and taking into account a discount

for dividends that will not be collected by the

beneficiary because the transfer of the

shares is deferred. For share-based payments

that are settled with equity instruments, a

corresponding increase in equity is recognized.

1.19 Revenue recognition

Revenue comprises the fair value of the

consideration received or receivable for the

sale of goods and rendering of services in

the ordinary course of the Group’s activities.

Revenue is shown net of value-added tax,

returns, rebates and discounts and after elimi-

nating sales within the Group. The Group

bases its estimates on historical results, taking

into consideration the type of customer, the

type of transaction and the specifics of each

arrangement. The Group recognizes revenue

when the amount of revenue can be reliably

measured, it is probable that future eco-

nomic benefits will flow to the entity and spe-

cific criteria have been met for each of the

Group’s activities as described below.

Sales of goods: Revenue from the sale of

goods is recognized when the significant risks

and rewards of ownership of the goods have

passed to the buyer, usually on delivery of the

goods. Goods include mainly produced compo-

nents and systems for optimal protection against

noise and heat sold to customers. Revenue is

recorded based on the price specified in the sales

contracts, net of estimated discounts, sales tax

or value-added tax as well as credit notes for

goods returned. Accumulated experience is used

to estimate and provide for the discounts

and returns.

Rendering of services: The Group is in-

volved in the design phase of new models and in

the further development of existing vehicles

and therefore performs simulations and tests for

its customers. Revenue from rendering of ser­

vices is recognized in the accounting period in

which the services are rendered. For fixed-

price contracts, revenue is recognized based on

the actual service provided to the end of the

reporting period as a proportion of the total ser-

vices to be provided. Estimates of revenues,

costs or extent of progress toward completion

are revised if circumstances change. Any re­

sulting increases or decreases in estimated reve-

nues or costs are reflected in profit or loss

in the period in which the circumstances that

give rise to the revision become known by


1.20 Financing costs

Borrowing costs that are directly attributable

to the acquisition, construction or production

of a qualified asset are capitalized as a part

of the acquisition costs of the qualified asset.

All other financing costs are recognized

directly in the income statement.

1.21 Definition of non-GAAP measures

EBIT as a subtotal includes all operating

income and expenses before addition/deduc-

tion of financial income, financial expenses

and income taxes.



Financial Report 2016

Consolidated Financial Statements