Autoneum Annual Report 2016
Corporate Governance
As of December 31, 2016, Autoneum Holding Ltd
held 0.42% of the share capital (19828 shares).
The Company has no information about cross-
holdings of capital or voting shares exceeding
the limit of 5%.
2 Capital structure
Share capital
On December 31, 2016, the share capital of
Autoneum Holding Ltd totaled CHF 233618.15.
It was divided into 4672363 fully paid up
registered shares with a par value of CHF 0.05
each. The shares are listed on the SIX Swiss
Exchange (securities code 12748036, ISIN
CH0127480363, symbol AUTN).
Authorized share capital
There is no authorized share capital available at
Autoneum Holding Ltd.
Contingent capital for issuing convertible and/
or warranty bonds or granting shareholder
The share capital may be increased by up to
700 000 fully paid up registered shares with a
nominal value of CHF 0.05 each in an amount
not to exceed CHF 35000 through the voluntary
or mandatory exercise of conversion rights
and/or warrants granted in connection with
the issuance of bonds or similar financial inst-
ruments by the Company or one of its Group
companies on national or international capital
markets, and/or through the exercise of option
rights granted to the shareholders. The pre
emptive rights of the shareholders on the issuance
of bonds or other financial instruments with
which conversion rights and/or warrants are
connected shall be excluded. The then current
owners of conversion rights and/or warrants
shall be entitled to subscribe to the new shares.
The conditions of the conversion rights and/or
warrants shall be determined by the Board of
Directors. The acquisition of shares through the
voluntary or mandatory exercise of conver-
sion rights and/or warrants as well as each
subsequent transfer of shares are subject to the
restrictions in §4 of the Articles of Association
In connection with the issuance of bonds
or similar financial instruments with which
conversion rights and/or warrants are connected,
the Board of Directors is empowered to
restrict or exclude the advance subscription rights
of shareholders if (1) such instrument is issued
for the financing or refinancing of the acquisition
of corporations, parts thereof, equity holdings
or investments or if (2) such instrument is issued
(i) on national or international capital markets
or (ii) to one or more financial investors.
If the advance subscription rights are restricted
or excluded by the Board of Directors, the
following shall apply: the issuance of such
instrument shall be made at prevailing market
conditions, and the new shares shall be issued
pursuant to the relevant conditions of that
financial instrument. Conversion rights may be
exercised during a maximum ten-year period,
and warrants may be exercised during a
maximum seven-year period, in each case from
the date of the respective issuance. The issuance
of the new shares upon voluntary or mandatory
exercise of conversion rights and/or warrants
shall be made at conditions taking into account
the market price of the shares and/or compara-
ble instruments with a market price at the time
of issuance of the relevant financial instrument.
Contingent capital for employee
participation shares
The share capital may be increased by
a maximum of CHF 12500 through the issuance
of up to 250000 fully paid up registered
shares with a par value of CHF 0.05 each to
employees of the Company or its Group
companies. The preemptive rights of the share-
holders shall be excluded in connection with
the issuance of convertible or warrant-bearing