Autoneum Annual Report 2016
Corporate Governance
Audit Committee
currently consists of three
members of the Board. Its Chairman is Rainer
Schmückle; the other members are Hans-Peter
Schwald and Ferdinand Stutz. In the 2016
financial year none of the members of the Audit
Committee performed executive duties. The
Chairman is elected for one year. The Audit
Committee meets at least twice each financial
year. The meetings are also attended by the
Head of Internal Audit, representatives of
the statutory and Group auditors, the CEO and
the CFO, and other members of the Group
Executive Board and management as appropria-
te. The main duties of the Audit Committee are:
elaborating principles for external and
internal audits for submission to the Board
of Directors, and providing information on
their implementation;
assessing the work of the external and internal
auditors as well as their mutual cooperation
and reporting to the Board of Directors;
assessing the reports submitted by the statutory
auditors as well as the invoiced costs;
overall supervision of risk management and
acceptance of the Group Executive Board’s risk
report addressed to the Board of Directors;
assisting the Board of Directors in nominating
the statutory auditors and the Group auditors
for submission to the Annual General Meeting;
scrutinizing the results of internal audits,
approving the audit schedule for the following
year and nominating the Head of Internal Audit.
The Audit Committee met for two regular
meetings in 2016. The meetings lasted three
to four-and-a-half hours. All committee
members attended these meetings and received
regular written reports from the internal
auditors. In addition, the Audit Committee held
a meeting of one hour together with the
Compensation Committee with participation of
all Committee members.
Compensation Committee
consists of
three members. The Chairman of this commit-
tee is This E. Schneider. The other members
are Hans-Peter Schwald and Ferdinand Stutz.
The committee meets whenever the need
arises, but at least twice a year. It draws up the
principles for the remuneration of members
of the Board of Directors, the Group Executive
Board and senior management within the
Autoneum Group, in particular bonus programs
and share allocation plans (LTI), as well as
the Remuneration Report and the proposals
concerning the total maximum remuneration
amount for the Board of Directors and Group
Executive Board to be submitted annually
by the Board of Directors for approval by the
shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.
Nomination Committee
consists of three
members. The Chairman is This E. Schneider,
the other members are Hans-Peter Schwald and
Ferdinand Stutz. The committee meets whenever
necessary, but at least twice a year. This
committee stipulates the profile of requirements
and the principles for selecting members of
the Board of Directors and prepares the election
of new members of the Group Executive Board
and their terms of employment. It is also briefed
on succession plans for the Board of Directors,
Group Executive Board and senior management
and the relevant development plans.
The members of the Compensation and the
Nomination Committee held three regular
meetings in 2016. Each meeting lasted three
to four-and-a-half hours. All committee
members attended all meetings. In addition,
the Compensation Committee held a meeting of
one hour together with the Audit Committee
with participation of all Committee members.
Strategy Committee
consists of three
members: Hans-Peter Schwald is Chairman;
Rainer Schmückle and Ferdinand Stutz are the
other members. The Strategy Committee meets